User Terms & Conditions

Updated on 03/19/2024

MyBranz's mission is to create a community where users share insights on loved products that benefit friends, family, or community members.

It is a universal review commerce platform that connects brands and consumers, promoting trust and collaboration. It's freely accessible, welcoming all users, and emphasizes transparency.

The term "our platform" refers to the MyBranz review platform, encompassing the main app, website, review collection apps on e-commerce platforms,  sub-domains or apps, and other services we offer.

Before engaging with our platform, we encourage you to review our terms of use, which explain your rights and responsibilities, as well as ours. 

These terms include our Privacy Policy, detailing data collection and usage; our Reviewer Guidelines, specifying appropriate platform use; and other relevant policies and guidelines on our website. You must agree to the Data Policy before using MyBranz. Please read the Privacy Policy and EULA to understand better how we collect, use, and share information across the MyBranz platform.

Your use of MyBranz signifies your acceptance of these terms, which are essential for accessing and utilizing our services. If you do not agree with these terms at any point, please refrain from using our platform. The agreement can be expressed by using the platform or by explicitly acknowledging your acceptance through various means provided.

For further information, please visit our website.

Joining and using MyBranz is defined by your interaction with our platform, whether through browsing, writing reviews, or other activities. "You" refers to our users, and "MyBranz," "we," or "us" refers to our legal entity, which varies by your location. 

MyBranz integrates third-party tech, products, and services without endorsing or guaranteeing them. Compatibility with your setup isn't guaranteed. To engage beyond browsing—like reviewing or commenting—you need a single, non-transferable account created via social media or email sign-in. Automatic account creation may occur in specific scenarios, like following a review invite or signing up through social platforms.

It's your responsibility to keep your MyBranz account secure, ensuring no one else uses it and that your details, like email and username, stay updated. Any activity on your account, like reviews or comments, is your responsibility. 

When using MyBranz, please ensure you:

  • Adhere strictly to our terms, reviewer guidelines, and policies.

  • Are at least 13 years old.

  • Do not compromise the platform's security or functionality.

  • Avoid actions that could disrupt others' use or introduce malicious code.

  • Do not participate in creating or spreading false reviews.

  • Stay clear of misleading, offensive actions or violating any laws.

  • Refrain from copying, modifying, or reverse-engineering any part of the platform.

  • Maintain respect towards all members of the MyBranz community, including staff.

  • Avoid writing promotional reviews or using the platform for marketing.

  • Do not use MyBranz to support competing services or functionalities.

Adherence to Guidelines and Policies: When using MyBranz, users must follow our current Guidelines for Reviewers and Policies. We reserve the right to modify these without notice, and changes are effective immediately without further acknowledgment from users.

Ownership by MyBranz: MyBranz retains ownership of the platform's design, content, and branding, excluding user-generated content like reviews. Users are prohibited from using MyBranz's brand or content without explicit permission.

User Ownership: Users own the content they create on MyBranz and must have all necessary permissions. This content remains visible on MyBranz and may be shared with third-party services indefinitely unless removed for guideline violations or by the user.

Your Content License to MyBranz: When you post content on MyBranz, you grant us a worldwide, unrestricted license to use, modify, and share your content. This includes allowing us to permit others, like our customers, to use your content for various purposes.

Feedback Policy: We welcome your feedback and suggestions on MyBranz, which we may use freely without any obligation to compensate you.

Support Services: If you encounter issues, our Help Center provides resources for assistance. For further help, our support team is available through a specific contact form.

Commitment to Impartiality: MyBranz values authentic, unbiased reviews. Your contributions should always adhere to our guidelines, ensuring integrity and reliability in the content shared.

Privacy and Data Use:

  • Our Privacy Policy governs personal data collection and handling.

Confidential Information:

  • We protect your confidential information and expect the same in return. The sharing of confidential info is limited to the parties involved.

Termination and Suspension:

  • User account access may be terminated or suspended for terms, guidelines, or policy breaches.

Disclaimer and Liability:

  • Our liability for loss or damage is limited and clearly defined. Platform availability and performance are not guaranteed, provided "as is" without warranties.

Terms and Platform Updates: We may revise our terms and features without notice. It's your responsibility to stay updated.

External Events: We're not liable for delays or failures caused by events beyond our control.

Contact and Communication: For assistance, contact us through the provided form. Communications must be in English, with translations for convenience only.

Enforcement and Interpretation: Unenforceable parts of these terms won't affect the rest, and our discretion in some issues is final.

Governing Law: Legal matters are governed by the region's law corresponding to the MyBranz entity you interact with.